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  It is very urgent to portray before the public the services and liabilities of those organization which directly works for the people. Sufferings of the people decreases and transparency of the administration comes back through it. Each country of the modern world takes different steps for portraying the liability towards the people. And it is possible to bring about the transparency of the Government organizations of Bangladesh through implementation of this citizen charter. Citizen charter is playing important role for transforming the jail into people oriented organization. By following this charter prisoner of each jail of the country and the relatives of the prisoners can know about their receivable facility and duty.


Citizen Charter Of Jail Department



For the Prisoners coming from the court.



After making classification of the prisoners coming from the court in each day arrangements are made for their proper residence.



Ailing prisoners are admitted to the hospital instantaneously for giving proper treatment to them.



Presence of under trial prisoners in the relevant court on the specified date is ensured.



If the date of presence of any detune is not fixed then after collecting the date of presence after contact with the court, arrangement is made for presence in the court.



Arrangement is made for keeping money and other valuable goods kept with the new detune at the time of coming from the court.



Proper legal aid is given through appointment of Government pleader for the receiving of justice by the helpless poor prisoners.



To extend co-operation to the relatives of the convicted prisoners by making contact with them regarding filing of appeal to the High Court for getting of justice by them.



Regarding visit with the prisoner.



Hazati (under trial) prisoner may be visited once after an interval of 07 days.



Kayadi (convicted) prisoner may be visited once after an interval of 15 days.



Permission is given generally from humanitarian view before or after the specified time to the visitors coming from the distant places.



For visiting the detune or prisoners of safe custody permission of the relevant District Magistrate and court is necessary.



Visit shall have to be completed within 30 (thirty) minutes ad 05 (five) persons may visit jointly in the maximum.


Transaction of any kind of money for visiting the prisoners is forbidden. If any body shall claim money, then that shall have to be informed to the jail super/jailor.



It is forbidden to enter into the visit room with mobile or any forbidden goods.



Advocates of the prisoners may visit them according to proper rules.



Application shall have to be made to the Jail Super trough slip for visiting the prisoners.



If you want to know any information regarding persons imprisoned in jail or any person, then make enquiry in the 'enquiry' situated in front of the main gate of the jail.



On jail canteen/shop has been started in each jail for price to the visitors. Coming visitors may purchase daily necessary goods with fair price and supply them to the prisoners. As a result, entry of contraband items to the jail sall be controlled on one hand, on the hand, visitors may purchase proper goods with fair price.



Reaching of goods given by the visitor for the prisoner is ensured.



Arrangement For Waiting Room.



There is waiting room for the visitors in each jail.



Good arrangement for sitting, electric fan, pure drinking water and toilet has been made.



For reaching any necessary information to the office, make contact with the 'Enquiry' at the outer gate.




Method Of Depositing Of Money To PC


There is necessary facility to deposit money to the personal fund (PC) of the prisoners imprisoned in jail.



Relatives of prisoner may deposit money directly to the PC. contact with 'Enquiry'.



There is opportunity to deposit money to PC also through money order.



Signing Of Vokalatnama


For resisting transaction of unlawful money regarding signing of vokalatnama, there is specified box for submitting vokalatnama in front of the main gate of jail.



After opening the box at a interest of specified time, after signing of the vokalatnama that is handed over to the Advocate/relative of the prisoner.



No money is necessary for the signature of the prisoner on the vokalatnama . If any body shall claim any money regarding this, then contact immediately to the on duty chief prison guard of the reserve guard or directly with jail Super/Jailor regarding this matter.



Free Or Bail


List of the prisoners liable to be freed in the context of order of freeing/bail from the court is hanged in front of the main gate.



Name of the prisoners fit to be freed are declared through loud speaker. So that the relatives waiting outside way know easily about the freeing of the prisoner easily.


List of names of those prisoners in the order of freeing/bail of whom mistake is observed are hanged at the outside and the matter is informed by loud speaker. So that the relatives do not wait unnecessarily.



Behaviour With The Prisoner


Humanitarian behaviour with the prisoners imprisoned in jail is ensured. 



Prisoners imprisoned in jail are not awarded any kind of punishment except the punishment of offence of violation of discipline of jail.



Food and lodging arrangement for each prisoner according to the availability as per jail code is ensured.



Medical System


There is arrangement for the treatment of the prisoners in each jail under the Government management. By keeping the ailing prisoner admitted to the hospital necessary medical treatment and food are given. According tot he consultation of physician necessary medical treatment is given treatment by admitting the ailing prisoners to the different hospitals at the outside of the jail for higher medical treatment.



By keeping the drug addict prisoners separate from the common prisoners within the jail, medical treatment is provided.





Prisoners imprisoned in the jail are given training on different trade befitting to the current age in accordance with their educational qualification and their eagerness. So that after their suffering of sentence after returning to the free life they can engage them in the trained trade.



There is arrangement for training in different motivation, oriented training, such as, repair of television, fridge, A.C., radio, fan and other electric goods, cattle farming, fish, cultivation, bakery goods and manufacturing of different types of packing materials etc.



Welfare Oriented Activities For The Prisoners


Necessary educational programmes are operated for imparting the primary education to the illiterate prisoners imprisoned in the jail. Each illiterate prisoner has been brought under this educational programme so that after freeing from the jail after returning to the social life he/she may lead healthy and normal life.



Prisoners are made conscious about the danger of the fatal disease HIV/AIDS and for resisting the fatal disease different consultation and directions are given.


There are adequate facilities for observing own religion and for acquiring religions knowledge by the prisoners imprisoned in the jail.



Necessary advices are regularly given to the prisoners for maintaining discipline.


Arrangement for monthly darbar (meeting) for the prisoners has been started.


There is arrangement for TV, radio, carom, Ludu, volleyball, badminton etc. playing within the jail for the entertainment of the prisoners.


In the context of application by the convicted accused they are transferred to the jail of own district for the convenience of visit.


There is arrangement canteen for the prisoners within each jail.


There are different kinds of vocational and technical training in the jail.